For those who want a more personalized approach, more consistency and flexibility, or who are simply not found of group settings, the 1:1 option is for you. These experiences allow you to learn and explore the tools, techniques and practices that support your specific needs and intentions.

1:1 coaching & healing sessions

This body-based/energetic coaching methodology empowers the client by honoring and utilizing the innate intelligence of their body.The body is one of the doorways to the subconscious. Through the guidance of somatic coaching, the client can connect to the information, emotions, beliefs, intuition and wisdom that have been stored in the body.This allows for the processing and integration of what shows up, creating space for sustainable shifts and transformations to occur.

  • Intro Session - $97 (1 per client)

  • 4 Sessions - $444

*These packages are listed at new offering rates and are subject to change at any time.


The 'Awakened Soul' journey is for those who want to experience the best of both worlds, breathwork & Somatic coaching. This journey is here to support you on your path of healing, awakening and expansion.These two potent modalities compliment and support each other by providing both the expansion and the integration necessary for sustainable transformation.

SACRED UNION: A Private Couples Journey

Are you looking to deepen your connection with your loved one in a new and special way? Do you want to bring more intentionality and sacredness into your relationship?This unique couples experience will help you open your heart and bring you closer to your partner's heart through various connection practices and a beautiful breathwork journey.Matthew will provide a sacred space that will allow you and your partner to feel safe, so that you both can be seen, heard, and loved by one another.

  • Single Couple - $175

  • Double Date - $255


Your Guide

Matthew is Soma Breath facilitator and a Somatic Awakening coach. He is inspired to share these life-changing processes with everyone. Since a young age, Matthew has had a deep curiosity and drive for exploring the inner space of the human body, mind & spirit. Experiencing a back injury at age 18, Matthew needed a long-term solution for managing and healing the pain. Committed to a deeper healing process he discovered Soma Breath and eventually Somatic healing/coaching. It was through these modalities he unearthed a sacred connection to breath & body (spirit & soma), what has become an essential relationship to nurture."Ground deeply into the body, so that you can soar freely with spirit."


Breathwork is an ancient practice that uses various breath techniques in very specific ways to create a wide variety of results; physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically. These ancient technologies have now been merged with modern science to create journeys that can be very profound for the breather.Through combining rhythmic breathing with intentional music, sounding, movement, & guided visualizations, in a safe and sacred space, we can connect deeply with our inner intelligence and extract the wisdom that we all carry within us.Matthew offers group & 1:1 breathwork experiences, which each provide their own unique benefits.
Find out more about group experiences by clicking the upcoming events link below.

A 12-week journey to awaken your body's wisdom.Your body (soma) is a portal. A portal to your intuition, your inner parts and your energetic system - to name a few. Together in this 1:1 container we will begin to access these portals to bring in more clarity, direction and purpose in your life.We will identify and work with your blocks, or what I call your "Action-Inhibitors". These are typically unconscious beliefs, trapped emotions and competing desires that are inhibiting you from taking the step in the direction you want to move forward.You will practice and learn to work on 3 different levels of your being throughout our sessions together.~Visceral Intelligence (feelings, emotions, sensations)
~Energetics (breath, energy system & imagery)
~Parts work (exiles & protectors)
This sacred trinity makes up an internal system that lies within you just waiting for you to access its wealth of wisdom.

"The deeper the roots, the greater the fruits."

What is Somatic Coaching?This empowering modality focuses on the soma (aka the body).Why? Because the body is one of the doorways into the vastness of the subconscious. And this is where the explorers of deep inner space go.Your body has a story to tell. It is constantly communicating with us through the language of feelings, sensations and imagery. Through these somatic processes, you become the interpreter of your internal messaging system, which gives you access to an array of information and experiences.Learning to navigate the landscape of your inner space will provide you access to the emotions, memories and beliefs that have been held in your body/subconscious, presenting you with the opportunity to process, clear, release them. This will bring an influx of clarity and insight from within, when done in a safe space.At the same time, you will get to attend to all of your parts and aspects of your consciousness (shadow, inner child, etc.). This gives you the space to acknowledge them, listen to them, nurture them, and provide them with exactly what they’ve needed all along. By meeting these parts of yourself with compassion, acceptance and love, you can experience a greater sense of peace, confidence, wholeness and authenticity.These processes will therefore, open you up to dormant gifts, intuition, creativity and the wisdom of your soul. These are the fruits that your essence has waiting for you.The truth is, this is a process. It takes doing the inner work. This is not for you if you are just looking for another "quick fix" or "hack". Chances are, what you have been holding in your body/subconscious has been there for a long time. You have to learn to let your body lead the way at its own pace in order to create space for sustainable shifts and transformations to occur.And that is a journey worth taking.
That is a sacred journey.

What clients are saying about Somatic Portals...

Have a question about SOMATIC PORTALS?


Goup journeys offer connection, co-nourishment and the vital opportunity to heal in relation to others. Breathing together in a group setting provides a "mirror" or reflection for the journeyer and gives them permission to dive in fully as they see/hear/feel others doing so.

July 13th w/ Nicole Brianna

Part one of this circle will move through guided visualization and energy work as a catalyst for exploration, clarity and profound insights. This level of work provides a powerful opportunity to find peace, forgiveness and understanding with your exes or current partners, co-workers or bosses, friends, family members and most importantly yourself.And because we are aiming for BIG RELEASE ENERGY, we will also be doing a powerful breathwork practice, as this is a massively effective technique for healing. Leading this aspect of class is local breathwork facilitator Matthew Chavez.

July 19-21st

Embrace the spirit of well-being at the Northwest Yoga Feast—a weekend retreat in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest where community flourishes through the harmonious blend of movement, culinary delights, and self-expression. Together, let's weave a tapestry of joy, wellness, and creativity that nourishes the soul and leaves you inspired.$50 Early bird discount ends on 4/1/24!

July 25th @ Anam Cara

Join us for Anchored, a breathwork journey designed to guide you back into the depths of your body and the sanctuary of your soul's home. In this sacred space, we invite you to find solace in your own body in order to connect with your higher self.

July 31st @ The Lotus

THRIVE is a special 1-hour outdoor breathwork session that will be held on (4) Wednesday nights during the summer. Set outdoors on The Lotus' newly updated patio, these classes are designed to help you cultivate balance, vitality, and a profound sense of well-being.Enjoy a refreshing mid-week reset as we breathe together under the setting sun, rebalancing your energy and revitalizing your spirit.

August 3rd @ The Lotus

Join us for a special outdoor breathwork journey designed to guide you back into presence, peace and connection to self. This experience begins with a short nature walk to a serene, shaded spot by the river. Immerse yourself in the vitality of the natural surroundings as we breathe together, embracing the tranquility and energy of the environment.

Let's Stay Connected!